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Special October Session
Akashic Healing of the Inner Child
Come Restore the Light, Joy and Gifts of your Divine Child

Your Divine Child holds the key to access the gifts of your soul, your Inner Light and the original plan for your coming into this existence. It is the part of your Being that brings these original programming of your Soul to life.

The time has come to transcend the traumas, the hurts, the negative impacts experienced and inherited by our inner child that block our hearts, creating emptiness and difficulties in all areas of our lives.


Our Divine Child is the pure vibration of our most positive Akashic Records, our soul gifts, the potential for manifestation in joy and direct connection with the Whole.


This is a special Akashic Healing session to release non-positive memories, open the heart and rescue this very important vital force of your Divine Child.


The session will be created according to the needs of your inner child and may include:


  • Absence or difficulty in relationships with parents

  • Releasing negative connections between siblings, grandparents, family members

  • Difficulties in the school environment or with childhood friends

  • Releasing patterns of needing to try too hard

  • Clearing the traumas of not being recognized or honored

  • Recovering freedom of expression and decision-making power

  • Identifying and releasing blocks to your gifts

  • Releasing heart blocks that prevent love from flowing freely

And what's more, do you want to know what your true soul gifts are?

This is one of the activations that will be carried out in this session and the opportunity to restore:


  • The Freedom to Be You

  • Your original joy

  • Your inner brilliance

  • Creativity

  • And much more

Take advantage of this opportunity to release those locks that keep you recreating patterns that imprison you.

But mainly to receive from your Divine Child the gifts of your multidimensional potential.


The Divine Child has its original divine plan, the ability to awaken intuition, the highest connection with the Angelic Kingdom and the Highest Kingdoms of Light and Universal Love.

The service lasts 1 hour and can be carried out online via Zoom or remotely via recording.


The remote session has the same effect and benefits as the online session, the only difference is that I carry out the session alone, record it and send you the audio. The Zoom session is also recorded.


​During the month of October/24 this session is at promotional price R$ 250.00. Regular price is R$ 300.00


To schedule your session, please fill out and send the form below, and make payment.

I will email you the available dates so we can schedule your session.


Messages are answered from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 8 pm São Paulo, Brazil time gmt-3

The Session will be in
Payment Options

Thank you for your registration!

Payment methods:


Payment must be made in advance.  

Payment by Bank Transfer/Pix


Bank Bradesco   Bank number 237

Branch 0516

Account 202614-7

Name: Patricia Merkler

CPF 178.132.298-86

For Pix Payment - My Pix key is my CPF  (This payment option is only available in Brazil)

Please send proof of transfer along with your CPF to my email

Payment by Credit Card

Use the link below

Any questions contact me by email or by my whatsapp 55 11 99615-9419

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