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Energetic System Recalibration with Crystals

Online Lithotherapy Session

We are receiving an increased solar flares and intense energetic frequencies, such as the energies of the 8-8 portal, the super Full Moon we had last week, and all of this accelerated ascension are generating an overload in our energy system, affecting our chakras and the optimal functioning of our bodies.

If you are feeling exhaustion, a feeling of disconnection, mental turmoil, stress, irritation, difficulty maintaining focus, increased anxiety, heightened emotions and even fluid retention above normal, these are some of the signs of this overload and energy dysfunction in your chakras and bodies.

Lithotherapy is an energy treatment with crystals that aims to balance and strengthen the vibration of the chakras and bodies, for the regeneration of your vital energy and vibrational alignment.

Those who have followed my work since the beginning know that the main focus of my in-person therapeutic sessions was with Lithotherapy.

I felt once again called to offer energy healing with crystals, this time online, with a focus on Recalibrating the Energy System.

A 1-hour session, online or remote, which will be designed according to your specific needs.

The benefits of this session are:

Release of energy blockages

Release of tension and accumulated stress

Restoration of your energy flow

Strengthen your Vital Energy

Increase your Immunity

Balance of emotions

Calm the mind

Reduce anxiety

Recalibrate the nervous system

Restoration of your Light Body

The Energy System Recalibration Session this week from 08/26 to 08/31 has a promotional price of BRL 200.00.

From 09/01 the session price will be BRL 250.00. (Brazilian Reais)

Take advantage of the discounted price and schedule your session!​

Payment can be made by transfer/Pix or through Paypal.



To schedule your session, please fill out and send the form below and make your payment. After payment confirmation, I will contact you by email with available times for scheduling.


Messages are answered from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 8 pm São Paulo, Brazil time gmt-3

The Session will be in
Payment Options

Thank you for your registration!

Payment methods:


Payment must be made in advance.  

Payment by Bank Transfer/Pix


Bank Bradesco   Bank number 237

Branch 0516

Account 202614-7

Name: Patricia Merkler

CPF 178.132.298-86

For Pix Payment - My Pix key is my CPF  (This payment option is only available in Brazil)

Please send proof of transfer along with your CPF to my email

Payment by Credit Card

Use the link below

Any questions contact me by email or by my whatsapp 55 11 99615-9419

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Thanks for signing up.

Compartilhe com seus amigos!

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